What are the Complications of CPR?
Normal Breathing Rate for Child ?
Name the ointment for Burns dressing ?
Which medical conditions will develop from severe blood loss?
What is the aim of the first aider?
What is the correct order of priority of treatment?
What are the causes of heart attack?
What are the Side effects of Tab. Sorbitrate ?
Guest has collapsed and is suffering from a heart attack, pulse will be ā¦
What is the first step of a primary survey?
What Treatment will you give incase of Sprain and Strain?
How are burns classified ?
What are the signs and symptoms of Asthma?
What is the normal body temperature ?
Guest has Collapsed and is suffering from a heart attack. Which equipment will you use?
How many Breaths do we give in case of Respiratory Arrest?
At what degree burn we get Blisters?
Which pulse we will check in the primary survey?
Casualty suffering from cardiac arrest, what will be the immediate action?
Which is the correct ratio of chest compression to rescue breaths for use in CPR of an Adult casualty?
What medicine to be given in case of severe allergy?
Depth of compression for adults in CPR?
What type of bandage do we apply at Upper part of Forearm?
A guest had surgery 10days ago. What kind of form does he have to fill?
What are the Signs of Cerebral Stroke?
In which conditions do we have deep and sighing breathing ?
Skin color Blue discoloration in case of ?
What steps would you take to control Nose bleeding ?
Medicine for Heart Attack?
Treatment of Hypothermia?
.In what conditions will the casualty have Acetone breath(Fruity odor)?
Abdominal thrust should not be given to whom?
When treating an open wound do we apply ice on the wound?
How do you open airways in case of non-spinal injury?
A casualty suffering from hypothermia, what will you give to drink?
Skin Color Red hot flushed in case of ?
What are the steps to control the bleeding?
When do we stop giving CPR?
What are the symptoms of Respiratory Arrest?
Which pulse do you check for infants in secondary survey?
Treatment of Foreign body in the eye?
What are the symptoms of Cardiac Arrest?
In what conditions does a person have constricted Pupils?
How should you open the airway of an unconscious casualty?
After how much time does Vitals are checked in CPR?
When you apply a tourniquet, what don't you do as a first aider?